Friday, August 7, 2009

Produsage Assignment 2 Projects and Links

Hi everyone,

Here's the listing of Produsage Assignment #2 projects and access info. Again, everything is alphabetized by first name. Please let me know if I've missed anything - there was a LOT to capture!

Aditya Joshi, Eirin Lombardo, and Kent Shafer's Relocation to Tallahassee site:

Amanda Allen and Gina Minks' Friend Feed for FSU IS students:

Barbara Davis, Bryan Howard, Chris Keeney, and Lea Ann Gates' Online Seminole Student Association:

Bi-Jen Hsieh, Yoon-Jeon Kim, and Xinrong Xue's Teaching Circle: Facebook

Char Wendel's Jing on a Ning:

Cindy Chen's China Web 2.0 Wiki:

Crystal Bancroft's Web 2.0 tutorials:

Dimas Prasetyo's Reusable Learning Objects blog:

Eirin Lombardo's Step Up site on Ning:

Harold Stephenson's ODL Tools wiki:

Jack Manputy's Faculty Support Services Wiki:

Kendall St. Hilaire's band profile on PureVolume:

Kristin Green's blog for Kitchen Idiots:

Nancy McConnell's Departmental Faculty wiki:

Rebekah Dorn's Class Reunion Collaboration:

Scott Curran's Mashup for Learning Professionals:

Sheri Warren's Performance Support Tools for New Businesses:

Sri Wahyuni's blog for teacher development:

Susan McDonough's Ning on hurricanes:

Yang Xu's eLearning software wiki:

Yvonne Earnshaw's blog on Celiac Disease:

Finally, there's my project, of which you're currently viewing half - please check out the Technorati account I created for us:
The sign in info is:
Password: network1
To begin adding favorites to the Technorati account, go to:
Click on the Browser Buttons tab.
Right-click the Favorite This! text (in green) and select Add to Favorites.
Click OK.
You can now use this option in your browser favorites list to add blogs to the Favorites listing in Technorati.

Thanks everyone for a great class, quick as it was!

The archiving is now complete - let the collaboration continue!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

OSSA - Online Seminole Student Association

The Web 2.0 course is winding down (two days to go as I write this) and I'm a little sad to see it end (although the rest between terms will be nice).

I'd like to invite everyone that shared the Web 2.0 experience to join us at OSSA to keep the spirit of connectedness alive and well beyond FSU online courses. Have you ever ended a class where you met new friends on the course discussion boards, only to see those friendships dry up a bit because you no longer share a class discussion board with the same students? It doesn't have to happen anymore.

Come to OSSA and, in addition to completing classes together at FSU, you can have the same friendships and connections all the way through your program and beyond.

Register at OSSA and take the distance out of distance learning.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Produsage Assignment 1 Projects and Links

All of our first round Produsage projects are referenced here (as long as it was posted to the discussion forum!) In order to easily locate a project, I've alphabetized the author's names below. If there were multiple authors, I alphabetized those too, so you'll find it under the first author alphabetically. Clear as mud? Enjoy! Once I think we have a complete list of the Produsage round two projects, I'll post those separately.

Also, if any edits are needed (spellings, descriptions, etc.) don't hesitate to let me know - thanks!

Aditya Joshi's "Diiger" mashup: Go to and sign up for an account.This will let you do three things:
1. Get the diigo tool bar, which is a nifty little thing.
2. Allow you to see and read annotations created using the diigo service
3. Allow you to add annotations to web pages of interest.
As you surf the web, looking for new work in areas of your personal interest, you might come across something that you think may be of interest to other fellow IDers. When you come across something like that, mark up the interesting bits of the page with just highlights, or add comments to your highlights using diigo. Once you do this, use the "Send" option on the diigo tool bar to send the URL of the link to a central twitter id.
Twitter Username: fsuinsys
Password: network
When you choose the send option, a little box will pop up with a tinyurl, the page title and your diigo username. It will also show you how many characters you have left. Ideally, edit the page title as required, add a brief description of the page, if possible, and/or add hashtags to classify the URL under various categories so it is more easily available. Hit send.

Alisa Jacobs' Twitter network on synchronous eLearning:

Amanda Allen's blog for Leon County paramedics:

Barbara Davis' EMS site:

Bi-Jen Hsieh, Xinrong Xue, Yoon-Jeon Kim's K-12 Technology Integration wiki:

Bryan Howard's Second Life tutorial - access the FSU IS Island in SL at then click the signs to access the tutorial.

Char Wendel's IS Grad Student Wiki:

Chris Keeney and Eirin Lombardo's IS Course Review Wiki:

Cindy Chen's Facebook page: Places you recommend to visit:

Crystal Bancroft's page for Instructional Systems on Facebook also available at:

Dimas Prasetyo's Moodle Community wiki:

Gina Minks' Executive Functioning issues wiki:

Kristin Green's "Accidental" Project Manager Ning:

Jack Manputy's Ukulele Song List page:

Kendall St. Hilaire's Websites of interest for HPT and ID Students:· Once there, use the search box on the right hand side and type in “users.”· At the top of the next page, click on grey box that says “People”, then select “Go to User”· My username is Kendall 1112 (that’s Kendall, then 1, 1, 1, 2)

Kent Shafer's Google Site on BBQ:

Lea Gates' IS Masters Portfolio Wiki:

Nancy McConnell's Ning mashup on IS conferences:

Rebecca Dorn
's new student blog for IS students:

Scott Curran's Community of Practice for New Fathers:

Sheri Warren's Blog/Twitter network on user-generated content: You can also find her directly on Twitter with the following user name: @EME635SLW.

Sophia Xu's photo sharing project on Flickr:

Sri Wahyuni's Internship Wiki for IS Students:

Susan McDonough's Diigo forum on the impact of the internet in social behavior:

Yvonne Earnshaw's IS PhD student wiki:

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Ultimate Mashup Begins!

Hi everyone, Alisa Jacobs here kicking off this blog. For this summer's EME 6635 Web 2.0 Learning and Performance class, two produsage projects were required. I've seen some amazing things come out of these projects, and I'd like to be able to refer back to them easily. What I'm trying to do is create the ultimate mashup of all of our projects.

We already have a Twitter account for our group (, so I wanted to add a couple of components to help ready our previous projects for easy retrieval in the future. First, I created this blog, and have invited most of you to be authors (I'm having trouble finding a complete list of email addresses for everyone, so I apologize if you haven't yet received an invitation to be an author on this blog.) I will ensure that the rest of you are added in the next couple of days. What I hope the blog will be is a place to link to all of the wonderful projects done to date (specifically those that are not blogs - more on blogs in a minute.) If you created a WikiSpace, a SecondLife tutorial, a Flickr project, or anything else, I'd like for you to provide a link and description for it here in the blog.

Now, on to blogs. I set up a Technorati account for us to use collectively - what I'd like to do with it is to have each of the blogs created for this course (electronic journals and produsage assignments) marked as favorites. I'll be adding those later today. Then, as you encounter blogs you want to share with others, add them as favorites to the collective Technorati account. The sign in info is:
password: network1

To begin adding favorites, go to:
Click on the Browser Buttons tab.
Right-click the Favorite This! text (in green) and select Add to Favorites.
Click OK.
You can now use this option in your browser favorites list to add blogs to the Favorites listing in Technorati.

My hope is that we can continue some of our great discussion from this term through this blog going forward and continue to learn from one another while providing easy reference to the various projects created this term. I know that our BlackBoard site will live on for retrieval, but I'd like to see the discussion live on here.